Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How are Google Earth street view photos compiled?

Did Google send out vans equipped with panoramic cameras through every street in the 40 cities featured in the street level views of Google Earth? If that's the case, how did it fund all the effort?

It seems like an incredible undertaking. Thanks for answers.How are Google Earth street view photos compiled?
Yes, Google actually went around and took pictures from vans. In some shots you can see the van. Once I even saw the arm of the driver. And Google isn't exactly fighting bankruptcyHow are Google Earth street view photos compiled?
You ask, how did Google fund such a thing? Ask yourself, its Google, they have billions of dollar, they can afford to do practically almost anything. Their 2007 income was $4.2 billion and their assets for 2007 are $25.3 billion.

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